Worldwide All Courier Company Parcel Tracking API

Universal Package Tracking Api, Speed Post Tracking API, India Post Tracking API
Parcel Perform’s advanced Restful JSON tracking API and tracking webhook for India Post allows you to add India Post tracking capabilities to your e-commerce business with minimal effort.

As the largest post office in the world, many people are looking for professional tracking solutions for parcels sent both domestically and internationally by the huge organization. India Post parcel tracking APIs are one such solution, that is particularly utilized by businesses who need to track multiple packages traveling between several locations at the same time.

Tracking Indian Post parcels proves especially difficult when you consider that its operations are split into over 22 regions across more than 1 million domestic post offices and 25,000 departmental offices. Its operations also include small saving scheme deposits, life insurance, wage disbursement, pension payments and other governmental services. This is why many are turning to India Post tracking APIs from the experts, Ship24. Ship24 offers full India Post tracking capability for businesses through its webhook and tracking API functionality, which offers universal tracking for all India Post packages.

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Universal Package Tracking Api

The name of the API we are going to talk about today is Parcel Tracking API, it can be known by many names, shipment tracking api, parcel tracking api, courier tracking api, post tracking api are all the same API, today we Will talk about the API that works all over and gives the data of parcels of all courier companies, from where you can track the parcel by entering the tracking or consignment number of any courier or parcel company, today in this article you will get How can you get parcel tracking API from website, this website is selected because here you get API very easily, also you get API in very low price Apart from Dhboss, there are many websites in the market which provide tracking API, but its process and cost are very high, which cannot be taken by the merchant, in this case you can use dhboss You can create your own parcel tracking API by purchasing tracking API from .com website.


Parcel Tracking Api Calling Setup Source Code

This code given below is a sample of a parcel tracking website, in this the API is integrated, you can make the API live by entering the API key,

To get the Parcel Tracking Api Key, you have to click on the Generate API Key Button, here first you have to create your account, then you have to login, then you have to complete KYC by going to Profile, after that you have to add 100 rupees in Wallet to get demo of API. Then you will be given a demo API, how the API works, after that you have to allow the API, after that you can hit that API, as soon as you hit the API, the money will be deducted from the wallet.

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<h1>postal parcel track</h1>
There is a worldwide courier company in the country, and parcels from all over the world come and go everyday, in such a situation, the problem of tracking the parcel also arises, in such a situation, you can use this website to do the parcel. Is, which tracks the parcel of every courier company and gives it to you.
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<form action="http://localhost/trial/api.php" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="tracking" required="" placeholder="enter tracking no." autocomplete="off" value=""><input type="submit" name="submit" style="background-color: #ff0000;
border: 1px solid #ffffff;" class="btn btn-primary " value="✔ Track &nbsp;"/>
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => 'track_number='.$_POST['tracking'].'&apikeyfill=apikey',
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$parceljson = json_decode($response,true);
echo '<script>alert("'.$parceljson['message'].'");</script>';
//echo '<pre>';
//echo '</pre>';
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<img alt="" class="card-icon" src="<?php echo $parceljson['response']['data']['events']['0']['courier']['logo_image']['path']; ?>" style="border-style: none;box-sizing: border-box;display: inline-block;height: auto;margin-bottom: 8px;margin-right: 32px;max-width: 100%;vertical-align: middle;background-color: ;width: 10%;border-radius:10px;" width="35"><span class="title" style="box-sizing: border-box; padding-right: 10px;">Trace ekart Parcel</span>
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<ul style="box-sizing: border-box; list-style: none; margin: 0px; padding: 40px 0px 0px;">
foreach($parceljson['response']['data']['events'] as $value){
<li class="cur" style="align-items: center; box-sizing: border-box; color: #444444; display: flex; padding-bottom: 50px;">
<div class="date-bar " style="box-sizing: border-box; min-width: 90px; text-align: right;">
<p class="date" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 14px; margin: 0px;">Status</p>
<div class="icon agogofont agdownbtn agsuccess" style="-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; box-sizing: border-box; color: #2ec106; display: inline-block; font-family: agogofont !important; font-size: 24px; line-height: 1; margin: 0px 40px 0px 30px; position: relative;"></div>
<div class="content" style="box-sizing: border-box; flex: 1 1 0%; word-break: break-all;width:100%;"><b><?php echo $value['status']; ?></b></div>
<li class="cur" style="align-items: center; box-sizing: border-box; color: #444444; display: flex; padding-bottom: 50px;">
<div class="date-bar " style="box-sizing: border-box; min-width: 90px; text-align: right;">
<p class="date" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 14px; margin: 0px;">Location</p>
<div class="icon agogofont agdownbtn agsuccess" style="-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; box-sizing: border-box; color: #2ec106; display: inline-block; font-family: agogofont !important; font-size: 24px; line-height: 1; margin: 0px 40px 0px 30px; position: relative;"></div>
<div class="content" style="box-sizing: border-box; flex: 1 1 0%; word-break: break-all;width:100%;"><?php echo $value['location']; ?></div>
<li class="cur" style="align-items: center; box-sizing: border-box; color: #444444; display: flex; padding-bottom: 50px;">
<div class="date-bar " style="box-sizing: border-box; min-width: 90px; text-align: right;">
<p class="date" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 14px; margin: 0px;">Date time</p>
<div class="icon agogofont agdownbtn agsuccess" style="-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; box-sizing: border-box; color: #2ec106; display: inline-block; font-family: agogofont !important; font-size: 24px; line-height: 1; margin: 0px 40px 0px 30px; position: relative;"></div>
<div class="content" style="box-sizing: border-box; flex: 1 1 0%; word-break: break-all;width:100%;"><?php echo $value['datetime']; ?></div>
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<section class="speedpost-tracking" id="sms-tracking">
<h2>Using Speed Post SMS Tracking</h2>
India post also allows you Article tracking using SMS.<br>
for example To track article No.EE223456782IN <br>
<code><strong>POST TRACK EE123456789IN</strong> (** send to 166 or to 51969 number )</code>
In case you want to track e-MONEY ORDER (e-MO). You need to send SMS in below format to 166 or to 51969 number
<code><strong>POST TRACK 222256789123456789</strong> (** send to 166 or to 51969 number )</code> <br>
<li>The SMS is case sensitive. Use all CAPITAL LETTERS only.</li>
<li>Status will be available for items booked up to 60 days from the date of SMS enquiry.</li>
<li>The service is available from all the service providers in the Country.</li>
<li>Rates charged by the Service provider are applicable.</li>
<h2>Advantages of India Speedpost</h2>
<p>SpeedPost is a reliable very courier service provided by India Post. This service was launched in August 1986 and it one of the best service among the services that offer assured fast delivery across the region. You can dispatch Letters, Parcels, Gifts, Documents, Articles and similar items in India but also across the world.</p>
<li>Affordable prices</li>
<li>Assured delivery, with compensation for lapses</li>
<li>Highly responsive attitude to customers</li>
<li>Delivery intimation/Status check</li>
<li>Fast and Time bound delivery</li>
<li>Global coverage</li>
<li>Online tracking facility</li>
<p>Department Of India Post also comes with many saving Schemes. Offered Saving Schemes are</p>
<li>Post Office Savings Account</li>
<li>5-Year Post Office Recurring Deposit Account (RD)</li>
<li>Post Office Time Deposit Account (TD)</li>
<li>Post Office Monthly Income Scheme Account (MIS)</li>
<li>Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS)&ZeroWidthSpace;</li>
<li>&ZeroWidthSpace;15 year Public Provident Fund Account (PPF&ZeroWidthSpace;)&ZeroWidthSpace;</li>
<li>National Savings Certificates (NSC)&ZeroWidthSpace;</li>
<li>Kisan Vikas Patra&nbsp;(KVP&ZeroWidthSpace;)</li>
<li>&ZeroWidthSpace;Sukanya Samriddhi Accounts</li>
Speedpost services are avaiblae in all popular Indian Cities like Gurgaon,Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Patna, Nagpur, Lucknow,
Jaipur, Pondicherry, Allahabad, Ahmadabad, Amritsar, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar Calcutta, Calicut Chandigarh, Cochin, Pune, Noida, Trivandrum, Madurai,
Trichy and other cities as well.
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<li itemprop="name">© 2022 <a style="color:#fff;font-weight:600;" itemprop="url" href="">Parcel Track</a></li>
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About India Post


India Post is a government-owned and operated mailing and postal service which was established in India more than 165 years ago. It was established under the British Raj for the purpose of delivering mail within the British-ruled territories of the Indian subcontinent. India Post was established after the rule of East India Company was overtaken by the British Crown to facilitate communication within the periphery of the empire in India. India Post currently has more than 400,000 employees and is headquartered in Delhi. The service falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Communications.

India Post is provided an annual budget by the central government to conduct nationwide operations. To offer its services in India, it operates over 150,000 head, sub and branch post offices and more than 400,000 letterboxes across the country. Though it is the largest postal service in India, it reported a record loss of INR 18,255 in FY20 against revenue of INR 12,211 crore in the same period. The service had been witnessing such losses throughout the previous decade which are a result of mounting costs, pensions, & declining relevance in the modern era.

However, it has diversified its operations into the eCommerce logistics space and has been witnessing stable growth in the domain. India Post offers a host of delivery services as well as banking and insurance services in India. Its flagship offering is Speed Post which is a domestic and international express delivery service. It offers its vast network of storage and distribution facilities to help businesses manage their value chain to store, transmit and distribute their items around the country.

Its multi-modular transportation framework utilizes the rail routes, streets and air to convey items to the client. India Post additionally offers custom fitted satisfaction answers for Web based business organizations, for example, pick and pack administrations and converse planned operations. Through its air freight administration, it likewise works with cross-line Web based business for online merchants in India. India Post has one of the biggest conveyance networks in the country. It has 23 postal circles in India that serve each state and association region and even gives client admittance to far off regions in the country. India Post’s wide inclusion and strong framework settle on it a solid decision for online dealers to get their items conveyed to their clients. Albeit the state-claimed administration has been confronting hiccups in years, it has been dealing with modernizing its foundation to give a consistent conveyance, delivery and coordinated factors insight. Attributable to expanding rivalry in the planned operations market, India Post is investigating new enterprises to create income. Since the organization is possessed and worked by the public authority, any misfortunes caused don’t be guaranteed to convert into deterrents in its tasks, making it a solid long haul accomplice. Alongside expansion, the public authority’s way to deal with modernizing its administrations has further developed India Post’s advanced abilities. Such capacities permit it to incorporate with a few organizations to expand its highlights and structure associations. The rising notoriety of Online business in the nation has likewise added to India Post acquiring new business potential open doors. India Post’s Programming interface incorporations permit accomplices to follow and deal with their orders without the need to speak with faculty continually. ClickPost has a messenger Programming interface reconciliation with India Post, which permits Web based business organizations to go live with India Post in only a solitary day.

"code": 200,
"status": "success",
"response": {
"data": {
"tracking_number": "JN120XXXXXX5IN",
"origin_country_code": "IN",
"destination_country_code": "IN",
"events": [
"datetime": "2022-09-26T13:40:05.000Z",
"dispatch_code_id": 7,
"status": "Item Delivery Confirmed",
"location": "Basudiha BO",
"courier": {
"translation": {
"lang_code": "en",
"name": "India Post",
"full_name": "India Post",
"website": "",
"phone": ""
"datetime": "2022-09-15T12:37:06.000Z",
"status": "Dispatched to BO",
"location": "Gagaha SO",
"courier": {
"slug": "india-post-tracking",
"crawler_code": "india-post-tracking",
"country_code": "IN",
"logo_image": {
"path": "/assets/db/couriers/india-post.svg"
"translation": {
"lang_code": "en",
"name": "India Post",
"full_name": "India Post",
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"datetime": "2022-09-14T18:13:04.000Z",
"status": "Item Dispatched",
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"datetime": "2022-09-14T16:56:22.000Z",
"status": "Item Bagged",
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"datetime": "2022-09-14T14:43:00.000Z",
"dispatch_code_id": 3,
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"courier": {
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"country_code": "IN",
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"datetime": "2022-09-14T13:24:34.000Z",
"status": "Item Dispatched",
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"datetime": "2022-09-14T13:20:25.000Z",
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"datetime": "2022-09-13T01:34:36.000Z",
"status": "Item Dispatched",
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"country_code": "IN",
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"datetime": "2022-09-12T14:59:04.000Z",
"status": "Item Dispatched",
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"courier": {
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"datetime": "2022-09-12T13:54:13.000Z",
"status": "Item Bagged",
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"country_code": "IN",
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"path": "/assets/db/couriers/india-post.svg"
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"datetime": "2022-09-12T11:55:39.000Z",
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"country_code": "IN",
"logo_image": {
"path": "/assets/db/couriers/india-post.svg"
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"name": "India Post",
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"dispatch_code": {
"id": 7,
"code": "DC60",
"step": "5",
"desc": "Delivered"
"couriers": [
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"country_code": "IN",
"logo_image": {
"path": "/assets/db/couriers/india-post.svg"
"translation": {
"lang_code": "en",
"name": "India Post",
"full_name": "India Post",
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"phone": ""

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