install in vps
vps hosting per installed

It’s the first time that I owned a VPS server(provider is

I have googled out about it but no luck and not sure how to configure and host website.

I’ve worked on my website for a while and now it’s time to let it go for online test. I have a VPS and a domain.

I am familiar with cPanel but constan’s support team says that cPanel not supported on windows os server. Is that normal?

Therefore, I need to connect remotely through Remote Desktop.

Do i need to install Visual Studio and MS SQL Server on VPS? If so, how’s it possible?
Can i install cPanel on windows based VPs server?
What i need to do to configure and host my website with my owned domain on virtual server?
Any guides and suggestions would be appreciated.


How to install in vps server online Hostinger

I see, from here it looks like you use Ubuntu + Cyberpanel
There could be incompatibilities with the system + control panel as aspnet uses a different logic
hostinger vps in install process
You can also opt to simply reset the server from scratch and use a template which already has .aspnet released
However if you wish to keep the same panel, I analyzed the reported problem and noticed that it is related to VPS Development issues requiring Infrastructure and Dev-OPS knowledge.
Our Hostinger VPS services are not managed, so all configurations on the server, maintenance, installations, and optimizations must be performed from the client’s side – as you’ll have root access to perform any changes necessary. We are only able to assist with general doubts or guides.
But I make a point of helping you by indicating references for learning and success on this journey! I found these tutorials that indicate the right steps for what you’d want.
According to the developers, the only way to install it would be by following this guide
Also, we recommend that you should contact a qualified developer/Dev-OPS professional who will help you fix and better understand your VPS Structure, as well as help you build it and correct any errors along the way. You can find developers for a very affordable price on reliable sites like Fiverr.
You can also get this help for free on, where developers learn, share tips and tutorials, and help each other with development! However, for more specific support, it’s best to consult a professional in the field 🙏


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