How to get current city name in JavaScript

How to get current city name in JavaScript

You have generally seen that when you access some site, it show your location. This location on-site is retrieved by the mobile location of visitors.

I have also required this concept in my own project and decide to write the snippet.

In this tutorial, you will see how to retrieve the country name and City name of the visitor through IP Address.

Here I have written a small snippet to get visitor address information.

How to get current city name in JavaScript

try this script for visitor current city name without ip address

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
$.getJSON('', function(data) {
var text = `<b>Country:</b> ${}<br>
<b>Location:</b><span id="ips468"> ${}</span><br>
<b>Citylatlong:</b> <span id="ips4">${data.citylatlong}</span>`;
<div class="autoip">
How to get current city using JavaScript?
One of the most common ways to get a user’s location with JavaScript is by using the built-in navigator. geolocation method. This API provides access to the user’s current location via their device’s GPS or other location sensors. It is supported by most modern web browsers and can be accessed using JavaScript.
The Geocoding API is a service that accepts a place as an address, latitude and longitude coordinates, or Place ID. It converts the address into latitude and longitude coordinates and a Place ID, or converts latitude and longitude coordinates or a Place ID into an address.
getCurrentPosition() method retrieves the current position of the user’s browser and calls the callback function passing the position object. From the position object, we extract the latitude and longitude using position. coords. latitude and position.
A location map allows you to visualize where a place or thing is located on the earth. A location map can be anything such as a single address, a building, landmark, or store, a neighborhood, city, or state, a sales territory, a country, or anything else that can be displayed visually on a map.

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