Auto QR Payment Gateway Full Information :-

Today we are going to know about such payment gateway, which will help you in the growth of your business. What is “Auto QR Payment Gateway”, and how it works, how can it be taken, we are going to share with you the complete information.

What is Auto QR Payment Gateway ?

It is a payment gateway that enables you to receive payments through QR Code. With this you can receive payment by scanning QR from any pay application, that too directly in bank account immediately. In this, you can only receive payment from QR, you cannot receive payment from UPI ID.

Auto QR Payment Gateway Feature List ?

Following are some of the important features available in Auto QR Payment Gateway –

    1. You can receive unlimited payments
    2. Whatever payment you receive from QR, that payment goes directly to your linking bank account.
    3. Settlement of payment received from QR is done in Realtime/Instant/Direct bank account, you do not have to wait for 24 hours
    4. When someone scans the QR code to make a payment, the name displayed there will be the name of your personal bank account holder.
    5. The UPI ID that will be used in this QR Code will be of your pay application. Like Phone Pe, Google Pay, Bharat Pe, Amazon Pay

How does Auto QR Payment Gateway work ?

To know about how Auto QR Payment Gateway works, you have to read the details given below –

    1. You need two scripts to make this gateway work, first to generate QR code and second to check payment status
    2. QR Code Script – While generating QR Code, you have to enter important information like UPI ID, Amount, Order ID etc. in QR.
    3. Payment status script – It tells you by checking, tells you by checking the payment status from the QR Code you had just generated, the Order ID passed in it, immediately the system itself, you do not have to give any information manually.
    4. Payment status script – On checking the status by passing the order ID, you will get a response in the return that whether any payment has been received on this Order ID or not, if so, what is the amount, its UTR number, payment is failed or Access gets to see all information.
    5. After making success in Payment Status, you can load the payment of that candidate on the portal/website.
    6. the payment made by the customer Scanned the QR Code, that money would have been received in your bank account.

When does the payment received from Auto QR Payment Gateway come into the bank account ?

Whenever any customer makes a payment by scanning the payment QR Code, that money is directly deposited in your bank account through your UPI ID, for this you do not have to wait for 24 hours, if we have other methods running in the market Talking about the payment gateway, in that you hold the payment for 24 hours, after that the settlement takes place in the bank account.

Is there any kind of charge in Auto QR Payment Gateway?

If you receive payment from Auto QR Payment Gateway, then you do not have to pay any charge, like if you receive payment from any gateway in the market, then you have to pay a charge of 1-3%, for example if If someone is taking 2% charge, then you will get only 98 rupees in your bank account on 100 rupees, 2 rupees deduct that service charge, but if you do Auto QR Payment Gateway, then you do not have to pay any percentage 0% You can receive unlimited payments in Charge.

The amount of payment you receive by scanning the QR Code, the entire amount comes to your bank account.

What will be the source code or api of Auto QR Payment Gateway?

We will provide you Source Code in PHP Language, For this you have to pay one time fee and can use life time, And in future no charge will be taken of any kind. Only you have to buy the source code of Auto QR Payment Gateway once, and in future you will not have to pay any kind of charge and will not be asked, no you have to pay any charge on the amount, you have to invest once. By purchasing the QR Pay Source Code, you have to link the UPI ID of your Pay Application, in the source code because your payment will be received on this, then you can check the status of every payment coming on the UPI ID you give by creating your own API. Is.

QR Pay Source Code will have to be paid once, there is no other charge for purchasing Source Code, you can then receive unlimited payments


How to get Auto QR Payment Gateway ?

If you want to get its source code, then you will have to chat on the WhatsApp number mentioned below, you will have to pay for the source code first, after that the source code will be given, if there is any doubt, then you should get the necessary information before payment. Yes, there will be no payment refund once payment is done and source code is received, then you say I don’t like it

WhatsApp Number : Click Here

Auto QR Payment Gateway Related Question ?

Qn. 1:- What will we get Source Code or API?

Ans:- Source code will be available in PHP

Qn. 2:- Is there any charge for receiving the payment?

Ans:- No you can receive unlimited payment in 0% charge.

Qn. 3:- Is there a one time fee for the source code or monthly or yearly ?

Ans:- There is nothing like this, you have to pay one time fee and can use life time, apart from this there is no charge.

Qn. 4:- When will the settlement happen in the bank account ?

Ans:- Whatever payment you will receive from Auto QR Payment Gateway, it will be directly deposited in your bank account automatically.

Qn. 5:- What does this source need to run ?

Ans:- It needs a php support web hosting, from where you can run the source code, then from there you can create an API and use it on any of your platforms.


You have to setup or get it done only once, then you can start your work.

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