Why Only Our AdSense Code Converter?

Our Google AdSense Code Converter is the fastest AdSense Ad code converter on the web. It is a useful tool to parse AdSense Ad code or other code for the Blogger themes. This AdSense code converter makes Ad codes compatible with XML coding.

The AdSense ad code converter is straightforward to use. Users do not need to press any button to convert code. This parser outputs accurate codes and uses the parsed code without tension.

HTML to XML Parser Converter Online

Step 1:  Visit this link : Click Here

Step 2: Paste the Ads Code you copied from Google Adsense.

Step 3: In the box which is in the last, then HTML has come after converting Ads Code into XML, now you can put it in Blogger.

How to insert Adsense code in Blogger Theme

Follow the steps given below to insert Adsense code in your blogger theme.Here, once you add ads, you do not need to put ads in the post while writing the post, this script automatically shows the ads in the title of the post and at the end of the post and in the middle.

How to place Adsense Ads in Blog? Below all post titles

Place Adsense Ads in Blog like this, below all post titles, therefore you have to set the setting given below

Step 1: Open blogger website and go to theme option.

Step 2: Click on custime tip and click on Edit HTML button then.

Step 3: Click on the HTML code written in the theme, then press Ctrl + F, then you will be shown the search option, enter <data:post.body/> code inside it and fund it.

Step 4: As you search by entering the code, then the place where this code will be in your HTML theme, that location will be auto shown, now you have to put <data:post.body/> in your

<div style=’float:right; margin: 5px;’>

[Add Your Converted Adsense Code]


enter this code

Step 5: Then you have to save [Add Your Converted Adsense Code] by removing this text and enter your Adsense Ads Code in its place for free, then when you check on the website, you will see Ads showing below the title of the post.

If you check, then the ads do not show under the title, then in such a situation you have to wait for a few hours or you have to check <data:post.body/> with this code you will get this code inside the theme coding. If it has been shown more than once, then you have to check by adding Ads on the second number of this code <data:post.body/> many times the previous <data:post.body/> work on this code If it does not, then you have to check by entering the code at the other place where you told this code.

Display ads between Blogger post

Step 1: You have to first search <data:post.body/> this code where this code is coming, once this code has to be removed, you have to enter new code in its place, that code is given below

Step 2: Copy this below code and Replace <data:post.body/> with the following code (Middle of the post ads show)

<div expr:id=’&quot;post1&quot; + data:post.id’/>
<div class=’googlepublisherads’ style=’margin:20px 0′>

[Add Your Converted Adsense Code]

<div expr:id=’&quot;post2&quot; + data:post.id’><data:post.body/></div>
<script type=’text/javascript’>
var obj0=document.getElementById(&quot;post1<data:post.id/>&quot;);
var obj1=document.getElementById(&quot;post2<data:post.id/>&quot;);
var s=obj1.innerHTML;
var t=s.substr(0,s.length/2);
var r=t.lastIndexOf(&quot;&lt;br&gt;&quot;);
if(r&gt;0) {obj0.innerHTML=s.substr(0,r);obj1.innerHTML=s.substr(r+4);}

Step 3: Then you have to save [Add Your Converted Adsense Code] by removing this text and enter your Adsense Ads Code in its place for free, then when you check on the website, you will see Ads showing above the middle of the post.

How to place Adsense Ads in Blog? Above all post Footer/Bottom

Place Adsense Ads in Blog like this, above all post bootm or footer, therefore you have to set the setting given below

Step 1: Open blogger website and go to theme option.

Step 2: Click on custime tip and click on Edit HTML button then.

Step 3: Click on the HTML code written in the theme, then press Ctrl + F, then you will be shown the search option, enter <data:post.body/> code inside it and fund it.

Step 4: As you search by entering the code, then the place where this code will be in your HTML theme, that location will be auto shown, now you have to put below <data:post.body/> in your

<div style=’float:right; margin: 5px;’>

[Add Your Converted Adsense Code]


enter this code

Step 5: Then you have to save [Add Your Converted Adsense Code] by removing this text and enter your Adsense Ads Code in its place for free, then when you check on the website, you will see Ads showing above the footer/bottm of the post.

If you check, then the ads do not show under the footer/bottm, then in such a situation you have to wait for a few hours or you have to check <data:post.body/> with this code you will get this code inside the theme coding. If it has been shown more than once, then you have to check by adding Ads on the second number of this code <data:post.body/> many times the previous <data:post.body/> work on this code If it does not, then you have to check by entering the code at the other place where you told this code.

This Post Complete Adsense Ads Show Script Source :-

<div style='float:right; margin: 5px;'> [title post for ads code] </div>
<div expr:id='&quot;post1&quot; + data:post.id'/>
   <div class='googlepublisherads' style='margin:20px 0'>
      <center> [middle post for ads code] </center>
   <div expr:id='&quot;post2&quot; + data:post.id'>
   <script type='text/javascript'> var obj0=document.getElementById(&quot;post1<data:post.id/>&quot;); var obj1=document.getElementById(&quot;post2<data:post.id/>&quot;); var s=obj1.innerHTML; var t=s.substr(0,s.length/2); var r=t.lastIndexOf(&quot;&lt;br&gt;&quot;); if(r&gt;0) {obj0.innerHTML=s.substr(0,r);obj1.innerHTML=s.substr(r+4);} </script> <div style='float:right; margin: 5px;'> [bottom post for ads code] 





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